Underrate would be the right word that fits well till we understand their value and their indefatigable contribution to make us what we are today. We may assume that’s it’s their obligation and their future plans to bring us expediently well so that we can take care in their older days but the other side of the coin is that they are happy with our happiness and success not with our pecuniary evaluations…
Every so often I feel do I bestow the identical echelon of reverence to my family as I do to others in professional fraternity. For example: If I am reminded by my colleague that I forgot to insert headphones before I started my favorite song on YOUTUBE and he is getting distressed by the laptop noise I felt like committing blunder and even after saying sorry numerous time I still feel embarrassment. Do you have the similar feeling when your father is concentrating on calculating the monthly expenditure and asked you to lower the volume of the television? You feel praised when your preferred pizza destination offer you additional cheese one day and you reward him with amazing tip and several THANKYOUS but do you do the same (not fiscally) when your wife has invested entire day cooking for you the latest dish demonstrated in cookery show…
Its not that we don’t feel affection for our family it’s just that we don’t take that extra step to illustrate how much we love them. “Time” is constraint for us and we don’t find enough time to take that extra mile but at the same time “Time” is running from our hand and if we don’t do it today we can never do it…
I always wondered in numerous countries Father’s Day, Mother’s Day and different days allied to family relationship are celebrated once in a year but never found anything same in the Indian history then I realized our ancestors haven’t made any provision for it but these relationship are to be nurtured 365 days in the year… So we don’t have to wait for the year round to find that special day for any pleasant surprises but everyday is the right day for the right cause…
Growing old is mandatory but growing up is in our hands so lets grow up and take that additional step to make our family happy and bring happiness on their face.
My personnel opinion is to give a little more preference to your parents than to your spouse and I have a logical reason behind it which shows mathematically still they get the same share of your love. It’s a true life experience when I was at my native during my Diwali vacation and my wife was at her parent’s home and both my parents and wife wanted to spend the last night before I need to leave for my work location with them. I asked my wife if I take average living years for human being in India i.e. around 70 years I still have 40 years to spend with you but I just have 10 years to spend with my parent and that was the moment that she accepted my decision with no regret and did stand by my decision… This is just my opinion and decision is yours…
Our parents never wanted to be a burden on us and they will endow all logical/illogical reasons whenever it comes to spend money on themselves and then comes the time when you need to comprehend the concealed expectation and be true on them. We need to make sure that they have ample to enjoy and don’t have to craft any subsequent thought for anything they need…
Bol Bachan:
Bada Hua To Kya Hua,
Jaise Ped Khajoor!
Panthi Ko Chaya Nahin,
Phal Laage Atidoor!!
Means – Date tree grows very tall and every body can see him but none of the fatigued voyager can get benefited from it as it provides no shade even because of its height no one even get benefited from its fruits as they are unreachable…
Everyone wanted to grow tall and accomplish all the triumph in their life but make sure it’s not at cost of your near and dear ones…
So just pick up your favorite handset and call up your family for the pleasant surprise if you are living with family then today is the right today for surprise dinner…
Hope you have enjoyed the read and your comments are welcome to improve my thinking…
Dude u r really wonderful writer. I am little bit addicted to your blog now. Its good. Please keep it up and update us with new topics. Thank u
Wonderful Shivam, the Khajoor example says it all. Keep Going!
its very true whatever you have written and experienced..........i appreciate the step taken by you...........
Good Going.......keep sharing your experiences..........
Would appreciate would you leave your name in comments. It really hard to identify who are the real appreciators as they are few :0
Nice- whos is the khajoor but?
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